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 The Top Runners Make It Look So Easy!
Runworks 2005 5M Racer
San Francisco, CA
Joined: 26 Nov 2004
Posts: 1157

The Top Runners Make It Look So Easy! Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:47 pm 

I was watching the Millrose Games on TV today, and I was amazed at how easy the top runners make everything look. In the men's 800m race, the athletes were gliding along so smoothly, they didn't even look like they were working hard. It looked like a warm-up jog. Even in the mile, everyone seemed to be cruisingly easily for most of the race (except Webb, who didn't look good). I know it's an illusion, and they were all pushing as hard as they possibly could, but I'm always amazed at how smooth and fluid the top runners are. Maybe it we all learned to get rid of our extra wasted motion in every stride, we could be that fast too... nah.

Runworks 2005 5M Racer
Rochester, NY
Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 262

Re: The Top Runners Make It Look So Easy! Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:07 pm 

Yeah, did you see the vein still throbbing in Webb's forehead when they interviewed him and Legat several minutes after the end of the Mile? He was hurting. On the other hand, Legat just cruised across the finish line - in record time - and started hugging people and smiling right off. No bent-over gasping for breath or vomiting on the track for him! My impression of what it must feel like to run an international-caliber mile is formed by my reading of "One a Runner", where Cassidy talks about basically being close to passing out from oxygen deprivation by the end of the race. Legat made it look like a cake-walk!

Runworks 2005 5M Racer
San Francisco, CA
Joined: 26 Nov 2004
Posts: 1157

Re: The Top Runners Make It Look So Easy! Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:13 pm 

Yeah, Webb didn't look so great during that interview. Plus, he seemed to have temporarily forgotten Legat's name.

I feel bad for Webb really. If he had never run 3:52 in high school, then he'd now be considered a promising rising star, and finishing a close third in yesterday's race would have been great. But instead the expectations are huge for him wherever he goes, and if he does anything but completely dominate the field, it's viewed as a failure.


South Orange, New Jersey
Joined: 19 Dec 2004
Posts: 367

Re: The Top Runners Make It Look So Easy! Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:41 pm 

Keep in mind that you can't always be in peak shape. You're training goes in cycles and you peak for your most important events. I'd say Legat is in peak shape and Webb isn't. This could be the other way around at another time of the year. It certainly wasn't Webb's best race...but a 4 minute mile is still very respectable. Also, Legat is 30 and Webb is 22 so there's a considerable difference in experience.

Runworks 2005 5M Racer
San Francisco, CA
Joined: 26 Nov 2004
Posts: 1157

Webb Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:50 am 

Good points... so do you think Webb will ever emerge as a dominant miler then? He's had a few flashes of excellence, but mostly his performances have failed to be enough for victory at major events. Not to belittle the accomplishment of a 4:00 mile, but it's not enough when your competitors are running 3:55 or better.


South Orange, New Jersey
Joined: 19 Dec 2004
Posts: 367

Re: Webb Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:50 pm 

Webb's best is 3:50, so I think he has it in him to stay competative. I don't think you can count out anyone who has performed like he has until he say's he's retiring. There are many runners who have slumps and then come back years later to be very competative again. And he's hardly in a slump. Since Webb is only 22...he's got a lot of time before he hit's the age group where runner's are running at their peak. Time will only tell if Webb will be a dominant runner at the mile. Who knows, he may opt to switch events. If after time it shows that he doesn't have the speed to stay competative at the mile he may choose to switch to th 5K or 10K event where endurance becomes more of a factor.

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